RB88, an Asian online casino and sports betting operator, has recruited Bulgarian footballing legend Dimitar Berbatov as its brand ambassador. Berbatov signed a two-year contract with the brand today and will be seen promoting RB88’s sportsbook and casino until the end of 2022.
Bulgaria’s top goal scorer of all time, Berbatov is the flagship spokesman for the firm to help them drive awareness and engagement around progressive brand values across established and emerging Asian markets. Dimitar’s personality and class will help the brand create unique and exciting new content for the customers. He seems like the perfect fit to serve as an ambassador to the forward-thinking and innovative iGaming brand.
During an extensive football career, Bulgaria’s all-time leading goalscorer, Berbatov, represented many football clubs like Bayer Leverkusen, Tottenham Hotspur, Fulham, and Manchester United. In addition to having a career at an array of top football clubs, he also served as captain of the Bulgarian national team.
The deal is a new challenge for Berbatov, but he plans to embrace it with his signature style, helping fans to find new and more profound ways to enjoy and engage with the sports they love. Berbatov is proud to be representing RB88 across China and Thailand, a brand that shares his sporting passions to excellence and creativity. With their team, he looks forward to bringing some high-quality support and entertainment to Asian markets.
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