The Bengaluru Open, India’s prestigious ATP Challenger tennis event, has announced a three-year deal with DafaNews, the sports portal of the Philippines-based online gambling company Dafabet, making it its title sponsor.
The deal will come into effect from the upcoming 2023 edition of the tournament, which will be commencing on February 20.
The Bengaluru Open, organised by the Karnataka State Lawn Tennis Association (KSLTA), has been a regular event on the ATP calendar since 2015, and this association will see DafaNews promote the sport in the city as well as across the country.
Speaking on the announcement, Sunil Yajaman, Technical Director of the Bengaluru Open, said:
“We are delighted to welcome DafaNews as title sponsor for the Bengaluru Open. Their commitment as well as presence within the sports community will strengthen our vision of nurturing the sport’s ecosystem within the country. Built on a strong foundation of belief and shared vision for the development of Indian tennis, we look forward to this long and successful association that will enhance the level of this prestigious tournament.”
As part of the Bengaluru Open agreement, DafaNews will have a prominent presence at the tournament through various branding collaterals.
Commenting on their association, Joao Coimbra Tavares, DafaNews Manager, said:
“Partnering with Bengaluru Open is an amazing opportunity. We’ve been showing our support for the growth of tennis in India and this is another step in doing so. We are really happy that this opportunity was given to us and we couldn’t be more happy to have the chance to sponsor an ATP event once again.”
Over the years, the Bengaluru Open has played host to many top talents around the globe and this year’s edition will be no different with former world no. 10 Lucas Pouille and last year’s defending champion Chun-Hsin Tseng headlining the event.
The 2023 Bengaluru Open will take place at the KSLTA Stadium, with the qualifiers scheduled to be held on February 19 and 20, while the main draw will be conducted from February 20 to 26.
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