Mumbai Indian‘s captain Rohit Sharma, who was spotted wearing spikes with “Save the Rhinos” art in the very first match of IPL 2021, continued to use his shoes as a canvas to highlight important wildlife & environmental issues. This time he chose to bring awareness for a “PLASTIC FREE OCEAN”.
Rohit went out on Instagram after Mumbai Indians’ match versus RCB on 9th April to talk about how making the world a better place is everyone’s responsibility and something that all of us need to work towards. This time Rohit emphasized on saving our oceans from plastic waste through a beautiful piece of shoe art that showcased turtles in pristine blue waters. Much like his support for Rhino’s, Rohit has extended his platforms in the past to voice issues of marine plastic pollution.
Rohit seems to be a man on a mission and it will be interesting to see what Rohit wears in the next game now!!
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