The Tamil Nadu Premier League (TNPL) has partnered with FanCode, which has gained the exclusive digital rights for the domestic cricket league. The deal will see FanCode livestream the TNPL, which gets underway from July 12.
Yannick Colaco, Co-Founder, FanCode, commented:
“We’re thrilled to be partnering with TNPL, one of India’s biggest domestic T20 Leagues. Some of the biggest names of the game will be in action in the league and this partnership is in line with our goal of providing access to the best of LIVE sports to our users across the country.“
RI Palani, Secretary of the Tamil Nadu Cricket Association, added:
“FanCode has emerged as an industry leader when it comes to streaming live sports and we’re delighted to be partnering with them for the TNPL. The League is widely followed across the country and FanCode’s user-first approach will help in further strengthening our viewership.“
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