ARC – Athlete Recovery has been roped in as the Official Recovery Partner by Bengaluru Football Club on a two-year deal.
The brand, founded by former Karnataka cricketer David Mathias, already has multiple partners in teams from the Karnataka Premier League, the Tamil Nadu Premier League and the Caribbean Premier League.
The partnership will see ARC – Athlete Recovery provide Bengaluru FC with its products, including The COLD RUSH portable ice bath to help the Bengaluru FC players with their recovery process.
David Mathias, Founder, ARC – Athlete Recovery, said:
“At ARC – Athlete Recovery we try to honour the athlete in all of us. By empowering the athlete to recover better they can push their limits further, each time. Bengaluru FC are pioneers in adopting this recovery culture amongst their players and we find tremendous synergy with that.“
Darren Caldeira, Director of Football, Bengaluru FC, said:
“We are delighted to have ARC on board. They have made a powerful tool like cold therapy accessible, convenient and portable and their technology is top-of-the-line and will go a long way in helping our players maintain their fitness levels throughout what we are sure will be a long and extremely competitive ISL season.“

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